Tattrust is a space which tattoo artists can come together and collaborate, and to have the space, share thoughts, share ideas, share dreams, and passions.
Isn’t that called a tattoo shop?
- Tattoo parlours are only for the purpose of selling work, this is for the goal of achieving a change in the mindset of tattoo creatives, and the community broadly , not to sell work.
What makes this different from any other “space” or “collective”?
- The factor that makes this space different from other “spaces” is there will be legal support, advice, and protection offered and provided to help tattoo artist to protect their copyright and intellectual property along with education.
The community element will generate and foster and develop an environment of respect and understanding of other tattoo creatives work.
It is hoped that this will create a new attitude in the tattoo artist community of respect for their own work, and appreciation of its value, and respect for others, which will flow into the wider space and become understood by all that tattoo artists work is not something “different” but that it deserves the same respect as fine art work and hand drawn output.
And its my hope that from one trusted safe space, more can grow, and a network of support spaces educating and informing tattoo artists of the importance and value of their work can develop, locally, nationwide, even beyond, as the change needs.