Where am I right now?

My research has pointed me to the following which is that when people are educated about the existence of copyright in respect of tattoos. They begin to care about it and when they are personally involved they become highly aware sensitive and eager to protect the copyright of tattoo.

The research question originally was ‘How to protect the copyright of emerging tattoo artists?’

“How can emerging tattoo artists protect their work in a way that will encourage clients to choose the original artist and not someone copying the work?’’

Throughout my research, I came to the additional question ‘Is it something people care about?’

I came to the conclusion to that question that it is something people care about

From there I returned to the original question which is ‘How can it be protected?’

Based upon my research of education

I have analysed that people care about it

My research produces evidence that people when they’re not aware of it start to care if they are educated and if they are not aware of it then they become more aware of it and more protective of it.

I have come to the conclusion that tattoo copyright is worth protecting and the best way is education

People who are not aware or interested in protecting the originality of the tattoo artists work when they are educated about it, become interested

In addition, tattoo artists who are emerging and who are concern about sharing their work following learning about copyright and learning about the ability to protect their work they being to become more confident in expressing their creativity and sharing their work.

Based on this conclusion, with the exception of only one person who attended all people shared this view. I can therefore extrapolated this from the small group I’ve applied to and suggest that this would be … to a broader scope and would work on a larger scale. The conclusion would be similar which is that when people are aware of tattoo artists and copyright in relation to their work they would be more respectful of it and emerging tattoo artists would be more confidence if they have the opportunity to know that they can protect their work.

What did I learn from the intervention workshops?

All of the attendees to the workshops and throughout my research had a consensus of opinion that copyright was an important thing to protect and they felt it appiled to tattooing they felt protected of the work they created and did not and were not happy with the idea of somebody using their work and felt that somebody copied a tattooists work was not good. In the broader sense they felt it was wrong.

There was only one opinion that apposed this throughout the workshop and for my research

  • What did I learn?

How to host an event (organisation, social skills)

New experience

From attendees

-Some tips for tattooing

-Their style of tattoos

-Practice tattooing

-Connection with emerging tattoo artists (creating community)


-People not turning up