“How can emerging tattoo artists be influenced to protect their work in a way that will encourage clients to choose the original artist and not someone copying the work?’’


How can clients be influenced to choose the original work from a tattoo artist and not someone other artist copying the work?

( Tattoo awareness platform 

We educate people about the importance of picking original tattoo work over replicas 

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Measuring awareness of tattoo)

– What’s your research? 

    I’m focusing on understanding how people (clients) can be influenced positively to choose an original tattoo work over a (copy tattoo) fake/replica. 

– Why?

   My goal is to create awareness but also to study the reasons as to why someone would pick a replica over the original tattoo (reasons might include lack of awareness of the importance, value of artist’s work, and budget limitations).

  Upgrade the tattoo industry to the next level AS A COMMUNITY  for artists to have the same understanding and respect for themselves and their work 

– How?

Speak up, use SOCIAL MEDIA AS A TOOL to educate and raise awareness, give value to the art and crafts work (?)

As well as the value of the artist 

Tattoo talk (real or fake)

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