Attendee’s feedback

One of the attendees of my intervention workshop shared their experience with a friend who is interested in learning about the tattoo industry and becoming a tattoo artist.

The attendee recommended my workshop because they expressed an overwhelmingly positive experience and felt that other people should also share the same.

During the conversation, while I organised the new person coming to my next intervention workshop the new individual told me how massive and impact my first workshop had on the recommender.


According to this person, the attendee of the first workshop has been empowered, motivated, and has a in their words, “more oomph”.

My intervention workshop apparently gave the attendee the confidence and knowledge to be re-assured in working without theft of their work, and again from the new attendees words “said (she) would not have had the confidence without the workshop”

I am encouraged by the positive outcome of this workshop from this independent feedback, and extremely happy to learn that my idea and implementation is having a good result.  I look forward to further results from my next intervention to use effectively in final conclusions.

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